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Health Services

Patient Centered Medical Home 

The Patient Centered Medical Home model is designed to provide primary health care that is relationship-based, with the whole-person concept in mind. The focus of this model is to provide quality accessible health care by a team of professionals who know and understand your family and its unique needs.

Your PCMH team can include:
  • Physicians
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physician Assistants
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Case Mangers
  • Medical Technicians
The PCMH coordinates care across all elements of the health care system, including specialty care, hospitals, home health care, and community services.

PCMH Mission and Vision


Deliver the highest-quality, evidence-based, patient-centered care to enrolled patients through team-oriented processes, increased access, improved provider continuity, enhanced communications, and coordinated prevention, education, and management of patients.


Ensure the operational health and readiness of all service members and ensure clinical currency of team members.

PCMH Goals

  • Collaborate with our patients/beneficiaries to improve their health
  • Foster a culture that promotes and delivers quality and timely evidence-based care
  • Optimize teams by maximizing utilization and scope of practice for all clinical staff
  • For questions regarding patient selection or changes to their Primary Care Manager (PCM), please stop by the TRICARE office in building 99, room UD01 to speak with our Beneficiary Counseling Assistant Coordinator or Beneficiary Services Representative.  For immediate action in requesting a change to your PCM, please visit the following website: https://www.tricare.mil/GettingCare/FindDoctor/ChangePCM
  • For information regarding a second opinion, please stop by the Referral office in building 99, room UD01 to speak with the Referral representatives.
  • For information regarding your Primary Care Manager’s credentials, area(s) of specialty, interests, languages spoken, and gender, please stop by the TRICARE office in building 99, room UD01 to speak with the credentials manager.
Did You Know: You have the right to obtain care from other clinicians in the Primary Care Medical Home, and to seek a second opinion and/or specialty care. Patients have the responsibility to participate in their own care. Self-management goals can help you manage your health!
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!